Title: Wayland on OpenBSD (2024) Author: Alexander Arkhipov Created: 2024-12-29 Modified: 2024-12-29 Since recently, OpenBSD can run wayland. However, this is not very well documented or advertised, and it's all in ports. So, this is just a quick introduction. INSTALLING AND RUNNING First, *very importantly*, kill any running X server: # rcctl stop xenodm I emphasise the importance here because if you don't you might very well lock your computer and have to reboot by pressing the power button. Now, install a compositor. Several are in ports. We'll be using sway: # pkg_add sway Run with /usr/local/bin/startsway.sh. Unless you are running sway as root (don't), it's is almost guaranteed to complain about being unable to open some device files. If you are in the group wheel, the following should more than suffice (but feel free to experiment.) # chmod g+rw /dev/dri/* /dev/wskbd* /dev/wsmouse* $ startsway.sh WHAT WORKS Xwayland is enabled by default, so you should be able to run most software. There's some software made specifically for wayland available, like the terminal emulator foot. Unfortunately, it seems on OpenBSD, Firefox still works poorly under wayland, while chromium doesn't even start.