Title: My new habits Created: 2024-04-27 Changed: 2024-04-27 Author: Alexander Arkhipov It's been a while since I last wrote pretty much anything at all hasn't it? That is just one part of something I wished to write about now: some new habits I acquired, the consequences, and what habits I'd like to (re-)acquire still. TAKING WALKS In Moscow, whenever I would get out of home it would always be to get to work, to a shop, or some other such mundane thing. I still think of Moscow as Mount Doom, and of Russia as Mordor, but really, I never knew either too well apart from their people. Kutaisi on the other hand, seems a very pleasant town. I enjoy taking long walks right after breakfast. The air is fresh and warm, and there are few distractions. I can be alone in my head, while not suffocating from the lack of oxygen. There are hills to climb, churches to see, and a river to listen to. VISITING CHURCH In Moscow, I would sometimes pray, but I'd barely ever go to church. Well, here I've decided to visit a church at least once a week, and I do too. There I usually just light a candle and have a prayer, but just for that I feel so much better. EXPERIMENTS WITH MY SLEEP Back in Moscow there was no pattern to my sleep. Now I pretty much just fall asleep when it becomes dark, and wake up as the sun comes up. I discovered that the following works very well: - An hour before going to sleep, turn off all monitors. - After that read some fiction (a dead-tree paper book!). - Keep a pen, paper, and small lamp near your bed. This way if something suddenly pops into my head, I can write it down, and promise myself that I'll investigate that in the morning. - Don't set up an alarm clock, and turn off all light and noise sources. USING PHONE (HEALTHILY) One of the first things I did out of university was buying a "dumbphone", and getting rid of my smartphone. I think that worked out quite well overall, but it did turn out that smartphones also have some practical uses. So, I bought the cheapest non-Chinese one I could find, and mostly I just keep it in the aeroplane mode inside a drawer. I take it out when I have to use it, but I don't feel "dependent upon" or "sucked into" the thing. WORKING ON A PROJECT That's a habit I've sadly lost, and would like to re-acquire in the nearby future. What I think happened is that during the time I slaved in the office I usually felt so tired, and there had so little time left, that I only found it within myself to work on something during the vacation. And when I left, getting a new monetary income was such a central issue for me that I could barely think of anything else. But now that none of that is an issue, I find myself stuck at the question of "but what's next". It seems a bit silly, especially after writing it down. I hope to resolve that soon, and start doing something fun again.